From the Chief Medical Officer

As I reflect on 2016, I could chime in with thoughts of my own ‘annus horribilus’ – particularly as a too “frequent flyer” (patient/utilizer) of our health care system. After three hospitalizations of my own and the outpatient care experienced by one of my adult children, I was quickly reminded of how frightening it can be to be a patient or worse, the parent of a patient. In the course of these travails, I was privy to the various safety/quality practices Shore Regional has in place to ensure proper patient identification, medication administration, fall precautions and the like. The ‘system’ ran exceptionally well with various checks and balances being appropriately met.

Equally important, from my personal perspective, the care was unfailingly superlative, kind, compassionate and patient centered. Whether it was my own experiences or those of my son, from physicians to Environmental Services staff, all members of the care team were fantastic. This great success in challenging times all boiled down to one key element seen across the continuum: excellent communication.

When you are the patient or the family member responsible for a patient, there is nothing ordinary about the patient experience, and the only thing that matters is getting better or at least knowing there is a plan in place you are okay with to get you or your loved one better. I realized that quality for me meant staying informed and being a part of the conversation. I cannot begin to express my sincere gratitude to all of our team members who were so kind to me and my family.  As for 2016 as an ‘annus horribilus’— it has been replaced not only with the Joy of the Season but also with knowledge that the future is bright now with the prospect of the arrival of the first grandchild!

Please enjoy as much time with family, friends and loved ones as you can this holiday season. And thank you for all that you have done and will continue to do for our patients, your loved ones, each other and all of Shore Regional Health! Am hoping you and yours have the Happiest of Holidays and a Healthy, Happy and Hopeful New Year!






William E. Huffner, MD, MBA, FACEP, FACHE
Chief Medical Officer and Senior Vice President/Medical Affairs